Monday, June 28, 2010

. A can of insect repellant will come in handy especially if you encounter some mosquitoes or other insects along the way. Nature Trails: There are a few nature trails that you can explore. The popular ones are the Keruing Trail and the Salleh Nature Trail. Make sure you purchase the brochures for both trails that will show you what to see as you move along the trail. For those who are keen to learn more of the plants, prior reading before starting your journey is highly recommended. Of particular interest is the "puzzle-like" pattern of the individual tree crowns separated by gaps and outlined against the sky. This phenomenon is called "Crown Shyness". The reason for its name is because the leaf tips of the Dryobalanops aromatica appear to be shy towards their own kind, hence forming the gap. This tree is also known as kapur tree and has a nice-smelling xudate known as camphor, one of the main component of making ointment. The ointment is used for stomach massages after child delivery.

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